Kwizda International

International growth

The production divisions Pharmaceuticals, Agro and Büsscher & Hoffmann are constantly expanding their presence on international markets through distribution partners, and run their own subsidiaries in Central and Eastern Europe.

Kwizda Pharma


Kwizda Pharma has developed the successful cough medicine Bronchostop®, which generates a quarter of the total revenue of the European division and selected international markets. Further proprietary products are being created in the facilities in Vienna and sold worldwide through business partners.

Kwizda Agro

Crop protection

Kwizda Agro has sales locations specialized in crop protection in Hungary and Romania, whereas the subsidiaries in Germany, France, Italy and Spain concentrate on pesticides. More than half of the total revenue is generated abroad, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. Both proprietary products and commissioned orders are being developed in Leobendorf (Lower Austria) and exported worldwide.

Büsscher & Hoffmann


Büsscher & Hoffman has been producing waterproofing systems in its facilities in Enns (Upper Austria) and has been selling them through its subsidiaries in Czech Republic, Croatia, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria. Over a third of the total revenue is generated in the regional subsidiaries. Moreover, Asia is worth mentioning as a significant international outlet.