A competent partner on the journey into the future

Kwizda Pharmaceutical Wholesale ensures the nationwide supply with pharmaceutical drugs to public pharmacies, medicine cabinets in doctor’s offices through its pharmacy delivery service, as well as in hospitals. The service portfolio goes nevertheless above and beyond the nationwide supply with pharmaceutical drugs. Further specialized services provided in collaboration with our partners and subsidiaries are: Galenik (Galenics – pharmaceutical formulations) in collaboration with a partner pharmacy, Kwizda Kräuterhandel GmbH (Herbal Wholesale) and Apotronik GmbH (IT services).



> 50.000

Different items in store

>59 Mio.

Items sold per year

A competent partner on the journey into the future

Kwizda Pharmaceutical Wholesale ensures the nationwide supply with pharmaceutical drugs to public pharmacies, medicine cabinets in doctor’s offices through its pharmacy delivery service, as well as in hospitals. The service portfolio goes nevertheless above and beyond the nationwide supply with pharmaceutical drugs. Further specialized services provided in collaboration with our partners and subsidiaries are: Galenik (Galenics – pharmaceutical formulations) in collaboration with a partner pharmacy, Kwizda Kräuterhandel GmbH (Herbal Wholesale) and Apotronik GmbH (IT services).



> 50.000

Different items in store

>59 Mio.

Items sold per year

Quick Delivery

Every customer order is the starting point of a highly engineered process. The order is ready to be sent out in 20 minutes, so that the medicines can be ready for the customer or patient to collect in the pharmacy within a minimum of time.

in Austria

Articles available immediately

An important link

Kwizda Pharmaceutical Wholesale guarantees a quick delivery of pharmaceutical drugs throughout Austria from its 5 locations, and the immediate availability of over 50,000 articles.

A seasoned service partner

As a pharmacy partner, Kwizda Pharmaceutical Wholesale has been developing competent services in tune with the times for the past 80 years. More than every fifth product bought in an Austrian pharmacy has been provided by Kwizda Pharmaceutical Wholesale.

Herbal Wholesale


Teas, pharmaceutical drugs, medicinal herbs and spices – Kwizda Kräuterhandel GmbH emerged from a small herbal shop on Herrenstraße 4 in Linz, which started operating as early as 1834. Regular customers are public pharmacies and hospital pharmacies, drugstores, health food stores and doctors, as well as wellness hotels, therapy practices, veterinarians, restaurateurs and farmers.



Apotronik is a one-stop-shop that provides a complete POS system for pharmacies together with the necessary IT services. It supports pharmacists and their teams in their daily tasks with customized solutions for routine processes, such as procurement, storage, sales, prescription accounting and financial reporting.



Kwizda Pharmaceutical Wholesale provides tinctures, extracts, syrups and waters developed according to individual requirements or common formulations from our sample list, just in time, via its partner pharmacy – Sonnenapotheke in Linz. Its modern production processes are subject to constant quality controls. The composition and the content of the utilized substances are regulated in the pharmacopoeia monograph. The magistral formulas can be ordered on the internet platforms Kwizda Apo and Kwizda Hapo.

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